I am receiving a lot of criticism for posting #whilerunning. While I get the point that its annoying you: the option to block or unfriend me is a valid escape from those updates. While most of you probably think I am only doing this because of my desire for attention – this is not true. What you don’t know is that I have a lot of friends with special interests:
- some are really interested in dead animals and parts of dead animals – so I take a picture of each of them I can find
- some are really interested in blue bordjes with white writing on – so I take a picture of each of them I come across
- some are interested in wrotten/old/degenerated/at risk of collapse buildings – so I take a picture of each of them I can find (outside and inside if doable)
- some are interested in old/new/wrotten/in action military stuff – so I take a picture of each of them (if I can safely get into camera reach)
- some are really interested in coke bottles/coke advertisements/everything coke-related – so I take a picture of each sign of coke I can find
- some are really interested in caves – so I take a picture of each of those as well (with GPS coordinates)
- some are really interested in forbidden/restricted/fenced/poisoned/radioactive areas – so I take a picture of those places (with GPS coordinates)
- some are really interested in funny stickers on cars/street lights/houses etc. – so I take a picture of them as well
- some are interested in flowers – so I take a picture of all of them (I really enjoy the winter)
- some are really interested in different fences and how they are constructed – so I take a picture of all of them as well (GPS coordinates for the interesting ones)
- some of them are really interested in everything related to the Netherlands and Belgium – so I take pictures of those evidences (cumbersome to run in those countries…)
- some of them are interested in pictures of mud – so I take those puddle pictures
- some of them are interested in pictures of everything related to alcohol (abuse) – so I take a few shots for them
- some of them are interested in pictures of wooden planks – so I picture these as well
- some of them like pictures capturing feelings like: pain, despair, endlessness, eternity, hopelessness, wideness and loneliness – so I take a few more pictures (tbh – I love those as well)
- some of them like blurry pictures shot during horribly bad weather second or third ultra nights full of despair with numb fingers and half conscious brains – so I try my best of fiddling my phone out of the pocket (while asking myself: „how did I end up here – again?“)
Its not about me – its about my friends and what I can do to make their life´s a bit better. Its the small things that really matter at the end of the day. Please respect this. Its a gesture of respect to send those pictures to them. My way to say to them: „I feel you and I am here for you“!