Dutch Coast Ultra Run by Night #3

Lets do a quick check:


  1. I mean, do I really have to list all of these things? It is kind of obvious…
  2. It is cold and dark.
  3. There are 60k of sand. Followed by 15k on empty streets and through an orange-colored harbor. Followed by the most horrible thing: 25k in the dunes.
  4. Those lights on the horizon one will never reach.
  5. The great feeling checking your GPS after what felt like 1 h of constant running and then realizing that only 4 minutes have passed.
  6. The very few buildings on the beach telling you to come in and have a brake and that it is anyway insane to continue.
  7. The overwhelming loneliness during this long winter night.
  8. Already finished it twice – enough is enough.
  9. The happy faces of the 50k finishers.
  10. The happy faces of the 75k finishers.


  1. That moment around km 97. After ages of running up and down and up and down and up and down through the dunes, mentally and physically broken and  completely exhausted one finally reaches the ocean for the last time. Meanwhile daylight is back and one just stands there on top of that very last dune. Amazed and impressed. In that one second everything else is less important. Overwhelmed by the vastness and the power of this spot. (Well, after that amazing moment one has to walk down, battle through more 2-3k of sand and 1-2k of bike path to finally finish that beast called DCURbN.)

Ok – that really helped a lot! See you on Friday in Den Helder!


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