Post-Race Depression

Yes – it is real. And it does not feel very good. Especially after prime events with a lot of emotions involved both before and during the race the emptiness afterwards can be universal. If this hits in a challenging phase in life, the combination is obscure and of unreal intensity.

What should have been glorious days full of joy in light of the achievement feels like an exhaustive roller coaster. The usual go-to relief to the day-to-day challenges feels no longer easy and free but like a strange burden. Even after the body successfully finished the recovery the ease of running does not return. The emotions left out on the trails seem to be drained and gone without return. It feels strange to even think about covering a substantial distance. Why would one want to even think about it. It has been done, it has been completed and that chapter seems to be finished. It feels like digging too deep into something – everyone knows that causes trouble.

Science started to explain, to understand and to provide guidance but most articles do not fully cover the point. The closest is this article with the following section about the emotions.

I feel seen.

It´s a process – it always has been. The blues does come in different flavors and intensities. And yes, the time will heal and finally, after what feels like ages this time, the emotions will return. The joy of running will be back, the light-hearted strives through the surroundings will feel complete again.

Let’s hope it happens before the next race starts.

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