Prison Break 2023

The final preparations are in full flow. Amazing friends agreed to offer support. That means I will see a friendly face after around 100k which will give me the opportunity to refill the supplies and to lighten the backpack a bit for some parts of the following stretches. From that point onwards I will always have support which will have my back, push me and fasten up the re-supply. Thanks a lot already now.

The race starts Friday evening 1800 which means that there will be time until Sunday evening 1800 to get as far as possible from the given start point.

There will be several possibilities to follow that interesting race format. The hashtag of the race is #schinderprisonbreak – so keep an eye on that one. My IG profile will also hold a few updates Friday – Sunday:

The best update will be – as always – through the live tracking possibilities by the Legends Tracking folks. There is a live tracking from the race as well as my tracker which will be active mainly for the support crew to see the planned track as well.

Tracking of the race

Personal tracker

Last not least there are some WhatsApp groups which will be fed with updates – if you are interested to get more information – please get in touch.

So have fun following the race – it should look awesome when the race tracking page is active and evolving as most runner will start in different directions.

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