He followed the voice through the snow and the trees
Until it lasted saw – a sight beyond belief
A world of color, light and sound
A world where anything was possible
And the robot felt alive – it danced and sang and laughed with glee
In this world of magic it was finally free
And as the night gave way to dawn
The robot knew it had found
A home in this world where it could always be safe and sound
A home in this world where it could always be safe and sound
To construct a GPX track is a very beautiful thing to do. Once the general idea and location is set, the OSM map layers unfold their special magic at the highest zoom levels. The tiny red-dotted paths where one can only guess if they are, were or never really have been. Wandering along them connecting interesting looking spots on the map – slowly but sure a general backbone appears out of thin air. A few re-work and release cycles to improve some details, to include some actually useful spots (supermarkets etc) and to polish the distance to match the idea. And: done. Yet no one has ever been there. The .gpx remains silent like an unread chapter in the great book of running. Until it is finally loaded onto a device. Until someone finally hits the start button.
The idea of the „The Tale of the Years of the Third Age“ as part of the Lord of the Rings Slam 2025 was to cover a region I always wanted to visit: the Vulkaneifel with plenty of the round Kraterseen and – as it was close – the Mosel valley around Traben-Trabach. At the end the track looked beautiful on the map, long enough and interesting enough. As a nice side effect some river valleys provided natural connections between the parts (although I should hate myself for that a bit later in the real game). Olav and I both qualified for the slam and considered an early January test of materials and bodies would nicely suit in the Legends Trail preparation scheme with the pleasant side-effect of ticking off one of the first of the three big slam runs early in 2025.
We started Friday 10.01.2025 around 1500 with the idea that this would us bring nicely in time to the opening of the only supermarket on the whole track at km 105 (opening time = 0800). We also decided to park one car at km 52 to provide us some shelter during the first stretch of dark hours. Weather was bright, clear and crisp. The trails were traily – like we prefer them. Some of them were less visible or existent than expected – like we prefer them. The first night turnend out to cool down to -5 to -7°C. Which itself is not a huge problem but provides a nice twist to the story. To keep moving at low intensity while constantly eating is the only real strategy which we followed without thinking about it. A rather big problem was the ice on the concrete parts. That significantly slowed us down (especially me after the first unpleasant ground contact). Luckily we safely reached the car and decided to have an extended break to completely warm up and eat away some of the dark moments.

After a transition stretch the Mosel area was reached around sunrise. Just wow. The high water of the Mosel forced us to adapt the track at one stretch but apart from that – the valley and the hills and the views: worth a visit. Two breaks for coffee and food (we were 3 h behind plan and it was around noon already in Traben-Trabach) – and then we started the last 65 km stretch. The first 25 km of those covering the wine yards. OMG. Steeper than expected. But with some nice views from the various tops. Darkness hit way too soon and the last Marathon was on the menu. As things should in the second night it all went a bit sideways. The returning cold (although milder compared to night one), the returning darkness, the slower speed – I must admit the expected hit was a bit harder as it strictly necessary. But well – I was with Olav. Two of the loneliest robots in a frozen world. On top of that the last section along a river valley called the „Lieserpfad“ reminded us a bit too well of some of those valley in the Ardennes. Ongoing forest work provided some more challenges. The mud was frozen on the very top but not enough to hold the full weight and dozens of trees covered the trail. For some seconds I could feel the cold grasp of the LT horror – the emptiness, the hopelessness. But the only way to escape from that is to take a step back with the mind and watch the body do the inevitable. And then it was done. 180k on the watch 37h and 45m in the dark and cold January. 25% of the #lotrslam2025 done.
All in all yet another great adventure. Thanks Olav for the company – it is a huge relief to work with someone with your experience.
Marathon + number 278 // 100 mi + number 44 – check.
The next weeks will be focused on the Legends Trail end of February with one longer escape beginning of February. I am looking forward to the tasks ahead although the Legends Trail is a frightening beast lurking around at the horizon.