Legends Trail 2024


You can follow LT24 livetracking here – #119 it is: LINK

If you want to get random update or message some (de)motivation:

The preparation is in full flow:

The different Part of LT24 look like this:

That’s how the previous versions looked like – 828 km – 9 nights – 7.5 days – stories for eternity. Will it work one more time?

LegendsTrail 2020
LegendsTrail 2022
LegendsTrail 2023

Hohe Mark Steig

Change of plans. Instead of the planned long run it will be a shorter edition starting tomorrow around noon. Exploring the Hohe Mark Steig (https://www.hohe-mark-steig.de).

Live Tracking:


Live Update via WhatsApp Group:

WhatsApp Pfadsucher

Live Update via Insta-Story:

Instagram Pfadsucher

Infernal Trail des Vosges – September 2023 – IT200


The official track:

200 km; 10000 D+

The official live-tracking would have added additional costs so I will just take my tracker with me. The usual one-dot-show to be followed here.

For some additional info – here is the breakdown of the different parts of #it200:

The Breakdown of IT200 2023

*** LIVE – JUNUT239 2022 – LIVE ***

After a few weeks with almost no running it is time to spend some time outdoors again.

Time to strive – time to live remote.

We will be in Bavaria running the JUNUT – the first time for me to run down there. Follow this post for pictures, updates and the below link for the usual dot watching.

Start = Friday 1500 – Cutoff = Sunday 1530, 48.5 h for 239k and 7k D+

An overview on cutoffs and general timing:


Das Rennen wurde nach 6h bei Gewitter abgebrochen.

*** LIVE – Duinhopper – LIVE ***

#northbound #vakantiedeluxe #hvh->denhelder #legendstracking #hophopdontstop #duinhopper #trainingforkate

LIVE: https://tim-weissbach.legendstracking.com/

Info: https://www.acceptnolimits.eu/events/duinhopper/

„Take your time, play the long game, embrace the boring, the difficulties, the uncomfortable. This is how it will happen.“

Maxime Lagace

Start: 01.10.2021 2130


Finish: 45:35 h

*** LIVE LEO180 2021 ***

Back in 2017 we started the car to drive to Goirle with the intention to head into a remarkable adventure. We met a lot of people for the first time unsure if we would be welcome – if we would fit into this group. Looking back at that legendary first pre-race evening – it seems like ages ago – there are no doubts left anymore. Tons of memories have been created since then. I would love to tell them all but our time on earth is limited. Although the first edition of LEO180 was a DNF I decided to come back the next years and meanwhile the area feels like home. A home which is also inhabited by loneliness, vastness, lots of sand, pain, exhaustion and empty coke bottles. But still a home.

It is about to start the car again to add another story – whatever the end of this story may be.

Off to visit some friends – vacantie deluxe.
Tomorrow – 0800 – http://tim_weissbach.legendstracking.com

Finish 2018 (left) vs. Finish 2019 (right)
The original No-Coke-2018

Krönungsweg – HWW10

„Der „Krönungsweg“ ist der nördlichste Ost-West-Weg des Eifelvereins und ist in Anlehnung an den Weg der deutschen Könige zu ihrer Krönung in Aachen benannt. Er führt auf zehn Etappen vom Bonner Hauptbahnhof zur Kaiserstadt Aachen. Durch das Stadtgebiet Mechernich führt der Weg über insgesamt 24 Kilometer am Billiger Wald entlang, vorbei an Burg Zievel und Burg Satzvey zur 1000jährigen Eiche in Burgfey, durch den historischen Ortskern von Kommern, entlang an den Ufern des Mühlensees und des Bleibaches, über Hostel und Bleibuir bis zur Nationalparkgrenze bei Voißel.“

Der Weg der Könige 140k, 3000D+ – LIVE:


***KATE180 LIVE***

What should have been a group run was cut down to the two of us – what should have been flexibel, spontaneous and for idiots only is now even more flexible and spontaneous. No idiots though.

In around two hours we will be off. Out there again. For no reason.

Although we may miss our friends we will try to have a fabulous time. It is time to start a new challenge – lets finally kick-off our Slam. It is the bond between ultra runners that unites and pushes us. In NL and DE there are in total 8 runners attempt to finish 200k+ distances starting today. Apart but united. Not noticed by many, understood from only a few. Amazing how quickly this escalated.

Live-tracking of the two of us below:


*** UTDS plus 2020 ***

Time for a little adventure next weekend to finally kickoff ultra-running after this period of social distancing and closed borders. It will be a pleasure to be able to meet this group of extraordinary runners and to finally be able to go back to a nice patch of Belgium: the Ardennes.

We chose the UTDS (Ultra Tour des Sources) a permanent market Extratrail route with a few „improvements“ to include some beautiful parts the original UTDS track avoids for whatever reasons. The final distance is around 100 Miles with approx. 5000 m D+ and the scenery will be stunning.

We will start at 0800 „sharp“ on Saturday 04.07.2020 and as we like to bore you to death there will be a live tracking. To bore you even more there will be only one dot as we will stick together as a group. ONE. DOT. It may be the purest and most intense Legends Tracking experience you will have in your entire life so make sure to enjoy every second. There you go:


*** Legends Trail 250 LIVE ***

It is time. Montane Legends Trail is waiting. The 250 km edition will be approx. 260km long with around 7100 m of elevation gain. The cutoff should be somewhat around 60-65h. With a start on Friday 6 p.m. this means this beast have to be beaten until Monday morning. Three nights, two days and one mission: keep on moving until it is no longer possible. And then continue. Relentless. Until its done.

Legendstracking provides the usual dot-watch-fun!

Most of all, the ultra distance leaves you alone with your thoughts to an excruciating extent. Whatever song you have in your head had better be a good one. Whatever story you are telling yourself had better be a story about going on. There is no room for negativity. The reason most people quit has nothing to do with their body.“
Scott J.

LEO180 2019