Legends Trail 2025

Witnessing athletes go all-in to reach their goals is the most beautiful thing on earth. Once they leave their fake smiles behind, once they face their demons, once they push beyond their limits their inner self surfaces. It’s a rather private and intimate moment they would like to keep for themselves. Being with and amongst them in these hours is a truly unique and uplifting experience. It’s why we run ultra.

„There is this race in the Ardennes you should try. Could be something for you.“ Maarten (2017)

Back in the days I didn’t know Maarten very well and was really busy to DNF my first attempt @LEO180 the days after that evening. In fact it should take three more years until the time had come to enter that race called Legends Trails. That was mainly driven by the documentary „When Heroes Become Legends“ about the Legends Slam which I decided to start in September 2019 – Legends Trail 250 in 2020 was part of that slam and my first attempt.

So I did try and kept coming back to Legends Trail ever since this remarkable edition in 2020. I fell in love with the race. It offers so much more than just the distance. There is pain, hopelessness, mercilessness, darkness, misery, endlessness and the void. But there is hope as well, there are like-minded people, there is grid, determination, relentlessness – there are a lot of friends. If you are looking for ultra, for the beyond, for the undoable – this is your race.

The story of Legends Trail 2025 is a quick one. Arrived at the start with enough time to spare to greet all the familiar face on both supporters (aka Legends Family) as well as runners end. After the usual check-in routine with some new mandatory items on the list there was the time to relax and settle in the pre-race tension.

Kit check @LT

A close look on the track beforehand provided enough information for a rough race plan. With a start in the Ourthe region and the toughest section of the race being between CP2 (105k) and CP3 (157k) the only reasonable thing to do would be: start out rather ambitious to build up some time buffer to cutoff to enter the CP2-CP3 section with a comfortable amount of spare time and somewhere in the middle of the pack (to not have the trails completely destroyed by that time).

Thanks @Caroline Dupont for the amazing race pictures.

After one hour of bus transfer it was finally time to race. Always a relieve to finally being able to do what one came for. The first night and the first stretch was pretty ok – the rough Ourthe trails were not as wet as they could have been making it a little easier to not die climbing them. There were a decent amount of doable trails in this stretch as well allowing for some running – a good mix after all. Was great to be back at some really familiar parts along the Ourthe but also nice to see some new trails. After double-helping of Pasta Bolognese at CP1 the first day out there started – time to relax and enjoy the Ardennes.

I felt wonderfully calm and confident – may it be the experience, the good weather or a combination of both – it felt remarkable good to be out there so I started to let it flow. Started to enjoy the folks around, the nature, the CPs. CP2 had rice with chicken – delicious. The second night brought what I had envisioned – the by far most complicated stretch of the whole race. Ninglingspo, Chefna, Quarreux – if you know, you know. Let’s not further talk about it. It’s a stretch to just accept and not think too much about it or it may lead you to the conclusion that it’s a better decision to not do this. The second night sleep deprivation did add to the story – I tried to lay down somewhere in the woods but only managed to close my eyes for 5-7 min before it got too uncomfortable. Maarten and Mike, as part of the LT safety team, was waiting after the Quarreux decent and it was good to see a friend in the midst of the horror. A big surprise was waiting at CP3 – they had the CP4 Tortellinis – may not be relevant to most but it was a real surprise to me. After double-helping of Tortellinis it was time to leave the area of horror and start Legends Sunday. And what a day it was:

The confidence was still there. Legends Sunday means walking amongst athletes which endured a lot to get to this point. It feels truly uplifting to be amongst them. The warm and sunny weather was a huge change to all previous LTs – never saw so much of the Ardennes – never saw future Legends lay down in the warm sun to sleep a bit. Unreal. CP3-CP4 was a really long 75k stretch but with regular check-ins of the Legends Safety Team it was ok. We visited greater Coo area feat. Le Basin and Iceberg around 200k in the race and I sincerely enjoyed it to be there. The third night fell and the usual unpleasantries arouse. But the CP4 was near – so was the last and final stretch. Met a lot of familiar faces at CP4 – all of them determined. We had mashed potatoes with cauliflower. The final stretch looked rather easy on the map compared to the rest of race. The rough idea was to run against the horror of sleep deprivation and this worked quite ok. In the first half of the night the focus was there and the speed was good. Listened to some music while jogging to stay clear. Later this night the expected issues were there. My brain wandered off to the void, I couldn’t make sense of the numbers on the watch, I found myself standing for minutes looking at trees forgetting what was doing. Although expected side-effects – that was unpleasant. But Legends Monday was about to start. The final sunrise – I love this specific moment so much. And between the trees at dawn I saw a familiar figure which turned out to be real and not one of the figures of my imagination. After running roughly the same race the last days but never together (for various reasons) it was finally time to team-up with Olav. We walked the last 10k together.

We were quite quiet at the beginning but then started to talk again. We met Maarten at „Chez Ingo“ 5k before the finish.

Coke and toasties at „Chez Ingo“ km 270
Chez Ingo with Maarten – the three of us own 14 LT medals
Some impressions of Maarten from this year´s LT

The sun was finally providing some warmth. We were tired as fuck and our bodies were trashed but it was the final stretch of pure ultra joy. Walking there with Olav – with the finish almost in the pocket – it felt unreal, but amazing. Finally reaching the finish line was pure gold as always.


The LT 2025 was my fifth attempt at Legends Trail and my fifth finish. This is unreal. I never felt better at a LT before – it somehow came straight out of my heart – all I did was following the flow. A completely new but amazing experience. As I am a really emotional runner (you would have found me crying a lot if you would have been out there) I developed the strategy to fuel from dark moments. A grim energy of „whatever wants to stop me will make me stronger“. That was different this time. I discussed that matter with Frank the Tank whenever we met and he kept telling me that he uses energy from emotions as well: but he stays on the pure positive end of things. This year’s LT finally showed me that end of things. I know now. Not sure if I will be able to use this strategy again but I know now that it exists and that it feels great. Taking this knowledge with me and will add this weapon to the strategy set – always on the paths to find the perfect mental set to travel limitless – may it be on the real end of ultra or in the midst of the beyond.

Thanks to all volunteers in the LT Safety Team, the CP crews, the organization, the friends on the course and the support on social media/via chat. Lots of people dislike me for being so active on my smartphone while running. But to me it is a possibility to share my emotions so that they don´t overwhelm me. It helps me to stay focused and some of the audience like to be really close the action.

OIav – I think we don’t need to be sorry that we didn’t run together. I had the feeling that we were both on our missions (yours made me cry quite a bit whenever I thought about for whom you were doing) and were fine with the status of both running our own (very solid) LTs. Finishing with you felt amazing. Thanks mate. What you did was outstanding in many ways.

Next year’s Legends Trail will be a whole new story – the distance increases from 275k to 350k adding another stretch of darkness to the story. Whether or not I will be there – who knows. It’s for sure tempting to push a bit further.

Some numbers:

There is a separate blog entry about some data behind Legends Trail. Below the @statshunters view on the 5 LTs so far – quite some coverage of the Ardennes. The 5 LT 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 had a total of 1386 km with 50375 m of positive elevation gain.

The LT #statshunter overview. Some new tiles coming from the LT 2025 (yellow) – there is a square forming in the center. 5 activities 1386k.
5 LT – 50375 D+; 2x climb score of 10 @runalyze

Nightcrawler – Marvel Slam 2022 #4

No Ourthe – No Party!

Final track of the Marvel Slam done.

About time to finish what has been proven to be a demanding but very interesting set of runs. Seizing an open window in the family agenda I started the car close to 0500 Saturday morning to pick up Björn so that we can start our 1.5 h drive deep into the heart of the Ardennes Bleues – to the Barrage de Nisramont. It is not only the heart of the Ardennes Bleues but also the place where Ourthe Occidental and Ourthe Oriental unite in the Lake Nisramont to continue as Ourthe down to Liége. The track of Nightcrawler followes Ourthe Oriental up to the village Ourthe and down to Nisramont again before running up Ourthe Occidental up to the village Ourt and down again. What a mess. It requires a stable genius to come up with this kind of tracks. Funnily we are good friends. All attendees of the Legends Trails/Great Escape runs have a certain history with the Ourthe. Both runs feature the Ourthe during crucial moments of the race. Mostly moments at the half-conscious end of them. You don´t joke about that river, you always safe some energy to survive the parts at that river because you know deep insight: #noourthenoparty

It was a silent ride to Nisramont. Both tired we followed foggy streets to this abandoned parking lot down by the river. The last minutes preparation went silent but fast (somehow there meanwhile is a rythm, a routine in those few well planned last packings). Leaving the car was a weird thing in this early Saturday morning unsure what would wait for us. Although the toughest parts of the Ourthe are further down the river it was clear enough that the first and last kms on both arms would be the usual Ourthe terrain: rocky, slippery, steep and endless. Parts where 5 km/h is a decent speed but you should not panic when there are sections with on 3 km/h in it.

Ourthe Oriental

We started with some hope due to the soon upcoming sun which would allow us to run without headlamp soon after the start. We had been warned that the this first „loop“ was the more difficult one. It was a good and decent trail run on the first kms and we made progress with around 6 km/h on average until km 14. This is where the first funny twist was waiting for us: 600-900 m through a fully overgrown part close by the river. What have been a small paths years ago turned into a funny jungle of small trees, bushes and thorns. Lots of them.

The Wall of Thorns – aka. the MOMA of the Ardennes Bleues

We knew it is only a short section but still it was ridiculous even to our standards. The speed dropped to 30-40 min/km – what a waste of precious time of our lifes. But track is track and it got better once out of this part. Ourthe Oriental offered a few more funny offtrail/fence-climbing/river-following sections until we hit the biggest problem: hunting. We were prepared and warned but tried to enter the forbidden section nevertheless. Turned out this was no good idea as we were spotted quite fast – unlucky timing.

We had to turn back and take a detour. That decreased our mood significantly. But we found a detour of 2 km which allowed us to return safely to the track. We made it to Ourthe, refilled at a supermarket in Gouvy and started the return to the car using the exact same paths (including the hunting deviation and – it goes without saying – the lovely thorny section). It took us around 16 h for the first 90 km.

The Two Rivers!

Ourthe Occidental

After an 80 min break at/in the car we continued. And what a mess it was… The feeling to leave the warmer car around midnight with over 100 km to go – special moments of pure joy. After the first shivering meters we were down at the river again. Too tired to make decent progress in the endless Ourthe Occidental windings… Our average dropped below 4 km/h so we seized the first ability to take another break after 14 km on the second loop to reset. Luckily we found THE perfect place to lay down for 30 min. A small shack with straw bales which we could enter unseen in this dark night. To not directly lay on the cold ground was a huge improvement – wrapped in emergency blankets we enjoyed 30 min of sleep. It did what it we hoped for – we were way faster after that rest. With every step the track got easier and the sunrise was approaching as well. The closer we made it to Libramont at km 140 the easier the track got. We sped-up and reached Libramont around noon. After a quick refill at a shop and half an hour indoor rest with some Pommes frites we reach the second end of the track: Ourt. After crossing the few more demaning km right after the start of the return we tried to make as much daylight km on the runnable parts as possible. We knew what was waiting for us. Before the final countdown of the last 14 km to the car we decided to repeat our rest strategy in our nice and cozy shack. With the certainity that no matter how horrible it would be it would be all over in around 3 hours we re-started shivering in light rain. Somehow we made it and even enjoyed it. We were awake enough to talk a bit which always help to stay in the reality.

Seing the car again at 0100 Monday morning was a huge relieve. It was done. All was well.

The Two Cities!

42h 15m for 207 km – 100% of the Marvel Slam done. What a nice set:

It is time to say goodbye to some marvellous moments. Time to go on…

Montane Legends Trail 2022 – race

Start – CP1 (KM 64)

With the start Friday 25th of February 2022 18:00 we had a few minutes of daylight left. The first stage of Montane Legends Trail promised to be devided into two major parts: 45 bearable km and then 19 km left to CP1 down at the Ourthe. So the rough plan was to speed up as much as possible on the first 45 km to start to collect some time for later. The extremely crowded start did not feel that great but soon the rhythm was there. Nice to chat with a few fellow runners who would have been soon what feels like days ahead, to wish them all the best and let them go into the unknown. One moment within the first 45 km Fanny catched-up clearly heading to the front. I was able to hold her speed for the stretch until km 45 and it was great to finally have time to talk again after her crewing me at AOBtD 2020. Funny that it took that long to have this opportunity and that it would be during a 272 km race – but well, it is like it is. What speed and determination this women developed during such a short time – amazing. She would be the one winning the ladies competition at this years race – congratulations: well deserved. At km 45 down in Maboge destiny stroke. Close before one of the imaginary race timing points (which turned out to be small CPs all over the course – thanks a lot to all the Legendary Friends) we ran into Olav. Fanny did not enjoy the wraps we got long enough so that I could follow so I left with Olav. It was not planned nor clear to us but it was the start of team journey. We headed further and hit the Ourthe. It is not possible to describe that area so that it reflects it decent. Lets say: its a selective area and tends to test your determination. Interesting to have that in that extend quite early in the race.

Entering a CP at Montane Legends Trail means to start a very special routine which is almost identical on all CPs. We always took 1 to 1.5 hours break which consisted for me of:

Taking off shoes and socks – quick check on feet condition – let them dry
Refill the race pack what was depleted on food and water
Quickly re-think on clothing: how warm/cold would it be the next stretch
Tape the feet again – new socks – shoes on
Big thanks to the Legendary Friends running the CP – go

CP1 (KM 64) – CP2 (KM 114)

Leaving CP1 was a cold moment – close 0600 Saturday morning – 12h in the race. We quickly descended once more to the Ourthe for some more stretches on that river. With the rising sun running got easier as it always does and we made good progress. The area around Houffalize slowed us again down a bit. What was more – tiredness hit both of us making us slowing down even further. We decided to take a 10 min nap in the bright sunshine – what an amazing weather. Lying in the warm sun was a good one. We reached CP2 in the afternoon – chicken curry time. Delicious. We packed a bit warmer clothings for the beginning night #2 and headed back out in the late Saturday afternoon sun.

CP2 (KM 114) – CP3 (KM 150)

The shortest stretch of the whole race. Slowly but surely the exhaustion kicked in and staying awake and at speed became more and more difficult. Olav started to have problems with his left shift so we reduced it to mainly walking. Not too much to remember other from being cold and getting even colder. The temperature in combination with a nightly wind was pulling energy. We quickly discussed strategy and decided for a decent and longer break at CP3. We arrived there close after midnight on Sunday morning, did the usual, and went outside for a 30-45 min sleep. Although sleep helps and we were aiming to gather as much energy as possible for the next stretch – sleeping outside at -5 °C requires some mental strength and a lot of warm stuff. We left CP3 at 0219 on Sunday with the idea in mind that the Legends Trail would now finally really start. Hautes Fagnes ahead, in the middle of night #2 – it was now or never to prove that we were up to the task.

CP3 (KM150) – CP4 (KM 204)

After a few more steep climbs around Malmedy the river Warche was our permanent friend for quite a few KMs. It was all in all a shivering waiting for sunrise to bring back some energy into our bodies. The long ascent to Hautes Fagnes then finally brought back the sun and what a blast this environment always is. Passing through on day 2 during Legends Trail was the cherry on top of it. Although exhausted one can’t pass through there without being amazed. And another special thing: it was all frozen so that the wet grass parts were hard frozen while the mud had a crispy surface easy to sink through – top. The descent on the river Hoenge is an area which is really familiar to both Olav and me so we just did not think of it much and headed on. We reached CP4 at around 1600 on Sunday – around 5 hours before cutoff.

CP4 (KM 204) – End (KM 272)

We left CP4 at 1730 Sunday evening – 3.5 h before cutoff with the last stretch and night #3 ahead. The first part was well know as it covered the Coo area where we did our nice Iceberg run during the Titanic Slam. Coming back there was a nice feeling. The other side of Coo and Iceberg held one of the steepest climbs of that area – up to the bassins above Coo. Not easy with 210 km in. After that first part with lots of climbing a stretch through Fagnes de la Gleize followed. A straight way up on the top with horribly cold wind. We were further slowing down and were keeping a closer eye on the cutoff times to not fall too much behind. The mood was on a low point – just fighting through longing for this part to end so that we could climb down to get out of the wind. When this finally happened we found a stretch of the Ardennes I did not know before. A funny mountain bike park area with lots of up and down. It was getting really intense now. We decided for another 10 min sleep in our emergency blankets to regain energy for the last few KM to timing point 4.1. It was the comfort of the „Chez Ingo“ tent which was waiting for us and pulling us forward. Sitting there in the warmth with sandwiches was just great. We allowed ourself another rest and headed out again at 0700 Monday morning – 7 h for the last 22 km left. As expected it would not get an easy one. More funny climbs were waiting on us. But the sun was back, Olav ignored all his issues and we made our way with two more fellow Legends: Nico and Jantine. With a constant look on the watch we fought through – slowly closing in. Slowly we realized that it would fit but it was a long and slow fight until the very end. What an amazing feeling with the usual sadness that an adventure would ultimately end. But the longing to finally sit down for the last time was really great.

A huge thank you to our RD, his crew and all the Legendary Friends who run the CPs, organized the small CPs, who cared about everything, served us food, brought us drinks, carried our drop back and so much more – amazing work. Without all of that it would be a different event and not half as nice as it is. A special thanks goes to Olav – your company was a great thing and I am more than glad that you did everything to keep us within cutoff. That one will remain unforgotten.

Personally I am pretty happy with how well it went. Sleep deprivation is no fun and that this would hit sooner or later was clear and unavoidable. But there were no other major problems. Equipment worked well, supply was always good, feet stayed in such a good condition that I could run until the very end – a nearly perfect outcome on such a long and demanding trail. Another nice experience and another great learning on what works well.

Credits for the pictures goes to Olav, Maarten, Harry de Fries and www.derennendefotograaf.nl.


Montane Legends Trail 250 2022 was around 273 km long with around 10000 m of D+. It took us 66h 41m to finish it (only a bit more than 1h before cutoff). It was my 24th 100 mi+ run and the longest distance so far.

Runalize Climb Score of LT250 2022
LT250 2020 + 2022

The Bag

Just found something in the back of my cupboard. Something which has been lying around for quite a while. Unused and empty. Still this bib remained attached for all this months. This brings back memories – memories of a long gone adventure.

The Bag

CP1 with all the hustle where I felt distant and not really into the whole thing. Too many people, to crowded place to find rest.

CP2 which was less crowded and a decent recovering brake at last.

CP3 where I entered broken – both mentally and physically – and where I was barely able to open the bag, resupply and close it again.

CP4 where I entered wet through and through and where it took ages to sort things out.

And the finally the finish – where I said: I will probably never go back through this.

It is almost time to pack again. To go back out.

*** UTDS plus 2020 ***

Time for a little adventure next weekend to finally kickoff ultra-running after this period of social distancing and closed borders. It will be a pleasure to be able to meet this group of extraordinary runners and to finally be able to go back to a nice patch of Belgium: the Ardennes.

We chose the UTDS (Ultra Tour des Sources) a permanent market Extratrail route with a few „improvements“ to include some beautiful parts the original UTDS track avoids for whatever reasons. The final distance is around 100 Miles with approx. 5000 m D+ and the scenery will be stunning.

We will start at 0800 „sharp“ on Saturday 04.07.2020 and as we like to bore you to death there will be a live tracking. To bore you even more there will be only one dot as we will stick together as a group. ONE. DOT. It may be the purest and most intense Legends Tracking experience you will have in your entire life so make sure to enjoy every second. There you go:


Legends Trail 250 – Flashback

For me ultra running truly starts at the point where I have given up. To continue a run after this point seems mentally and physically impossible – the battle is finally lost at the end of a long fight.

Beyond that point it is not getting any easier or less painful. Quite the contrary. But as I already lost against myself I am truly whole again. No longer divided between the urge to continue and the longing to quit. I don’t have to go through those deepest of all valleys again. There is suddenly a feeble light at the end of this tunnel.

CP1. Night 1/3 down.

It´s Sunday evening – somewhere out there. What a journey so far – 200k in 48h. Two nights and two days full of ups and downs: both physically and mentally.

Around 10k earlier I was in a good condition. The 4th and last CP finally in reach, the promised bad weather still calm and the head in a good mood full of hope again.

And now? Pouring, cold rain, really tough last kilometres (and that despite the fact that it was mostly going downhill on easy terrain) and again some thoughts on the greater meaning of all that. Plus: the track is gone. The GPX of that stage ended 200 m ago but where is that checkpoint now. It is cold and getting dark – the third night is about to start. There are some houses but the street is empty and abandoned. What am I doing here? What a cold and lonely place. I am exhausted and desperate for some rest or better: the end of all of this. It takes me 10 minutes to actually see the LT sign directing me to the back of a house and the door to the warm and comfortable CP. A sign of how desperate the situation seems to be. After the now routine actions at the CP and two plates of Pasta – decisions have to be made.

Or wait – there is nothing more to decide on: the path ahead finally crystal clear. Although it was comfortable to not run for some moments and just sit indoor, although the weather out there is awful and although the final stages is again 60k long and mostly dark. Although it will take more energy I have left…

It is time. Time to be superior of all that doubts and problems. Time to really earn that moment of relieve at the very end. The only option left with no matter what is waiting out there is: to go out again and finish.

Finish. Thanks Harry de Vries for all the pictures!

*** Legends Trail 250 LIVE ***

It is time. Montane Legends Trail is waiting. The 250 km edition will be approx. 260km long with around 7100 m of elevation gain. The cutoff should be somewhat around 60-65h. With a start on Friday 6 p.m. this means this beast have to be beaten until Monday morning. Three nights, two days and one mission: keep on moving until it is no longer possible. And then continue. Relentless. Until its done.

Legendstracking provides the usual dot-watch-fun!

Most of all, the ultra distance leaves you alone with your thoughts to an excruciating extent. Whatever song you have in your head had better be a good one. Whatever story you are telling yourself had better be a story about going on. There is no room for negativity. The reason most people quit has nothing to do with their body.“
Scott J.

LEO180 2019